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UFS Fair Kitchens SADAG panel FairKitchens Helpline Online 1260x190 VSN 1


WEBINAR: #FairKitchens Chef Support


Learn more on how to support our Chefs’ mental health and wellbeing

Many aspects of our foodservice industry have been turned upside down. This webinar will help support those in hospitality with their mental health and wellbeing as we move through this time together.

The Foodservice and Hospitality industry is facing unprecedented change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As restaurant operations get ready for a different environment of sit-down dining, emphasis on delivery or takeout or in some cases, make the decision to close their doors for business; anxiety, stress, financial concerns, isolation, and uncertainty can take a toll on the physical and mental wellbeing of those affected.

Our UFS Chefs together with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) talk about how the #FairKitchens helpline can help everyone in our industry cope during this time and come out ahead and happy.


Fair Kitchens Benefits of the FairKitchens Helpline Online 1260x190


WEBINAR: Benefits of the #FairKitchens Helpline


Find out more about the help available through the tollfree line

Chef Craig Elliott chats to The South African Depression & Anxiety Group (SADAG) Operations Manager, Vanishaa Gordhan about the #FairKitchens helpline.

This webinar summarises how, through the partnership between #FairKitchens and SADAG, the helpline can help boost the mental wellbeing of each individual in the food industry. The webinar also highlights the expertise of the counsellors available on the other side of the line and reinforces the confidentiality of anyone who calls in.

Vanishaa Gordhan has been at SADAG for 5 years, managing all the Dedicated Helplines and Projects as well as helping with the training of counsellors.