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Suicide Crisis Helpline
0800 567 567

Department of Social Development Substance Abuse Helpline
0800 12 13 14
SMS 32312

Cipla Mental Health Helpline
0800 456 789
SMS 31393

NPOwer SA Helpline
0800 515 515
SMS 43010

Healthcare Workers Care Network Helpline
0800 21 21 21
SMS 43001

UFS #Fair Kitchens Chefs Helpline
0800 006 333


Dr Reddy’s Mental Health Helpline
0800 21 22 23

Adcock Ingram Depression & Anxiety Helpline
0800 70 80 90

ADHD Helpline
0800 55 44 33

Pharma Dynamics Police & Trauma Helpline
0800 20 50 26


011 234 4837


8AM – 5PM

Cipla Mental Health
076 882 2775

Maybelline BraveTogether
087 163 2030

Ke Moja Substance Abuse
087 163 2025

Have Hope Chat Line
087 163 2050


Contact Founder: Zane@sadag.org

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2023 Mental Health Calendar

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Do You want to check your Mental Health?

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Whistleblowing & Reporting

Do you have a loved one in a mental health care facility; a hospital, clinic or NGO? Are you worried about the care and support they are receiving? It is your right to get quality health care for all patients who are mentally ill.

Below are different ways you can make a complaint.



report facility

Reporting a complaint about a Mental Health Facility


Do you have a loved one in a mental health care facility (hospital, clinic or NGO)? Are you worried about the care and support they are receiving? It is your right to get quality health care for all patients who are mentally ill.

You can report a complaint if

  • You believe they are getting poor quality treatment or care
  • You think there is bad behaviour happening at the facility
  • The service in the facility is not of a high standard
  • Your complaint should have taken place within the last two years

Contact the Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) call centre:

  • Toll-free number: 080 911 6472 (08h00 – 17h00 during weekdays)
  • Email: complaints@ohsc.org.za
  • Post: Private Bag X 21, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0007
  • Walk in: OHSC Offices, 79 Steve Biko Road, Prinshof, Pretoria
  • Website: https://ohsc.org.za




report dept 

Report your complaint to the Department of Health directly


National Department of Health: 012 395 8000 and website http://www.health.gov.za/

You can also call these provincial helplines

Eastern Cape 0800 032 364
Free State 0800 535 554
Gauteng 0800 203 886
KwaZulu-Natal 033 395 2009
Limpopo 0800 919 191
Mpumalanga 0800 204 098
Northern Cape 018 387 5778
North West 018 391 4000/1/2
Western Cape 021 483 5624

If the numbers above are incorrect or you are not able to get through – please let us know, email us on help@sadag.org



report professional 

Reporting a complaint against a Healthcare Professional


You can make a complaint against a healthcare professional by reporting it to the Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA). They have a hotline 0801122565 or email legalmed@hpcsa.co.za.

You can also drop it off at 553 Madiba Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, 0001 OR Post to: P O Box 205, Pretoria, 001

Healthcare providers who want to report challenges in the mental healthcare sector have a voice. There are a number of routes you can go to report failures with mental healthcare services. Consult this guide, developed by the Rural Health Advocacy Project and its partners. It tells you how to be a whistle-blower about problems in the healthcare sector and an advocate for the rights of your patients.




report human rights

Dealing with Human Rights Violations


SA Federation of Mental Health (SAFMH) has reporting channels for human rights violations (called Mental Health Watch) to ensure that persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities have accessible methods for reporting human rights violations at their disposal. You can report the matter to the Mental Health Watch which is assessed by SAFMH and then they give advice or a referral for legal intervention within 10 days.

Click here for more info

Or contact SAFMH on 011 781 1852





Reporting Medication Stockouts – Stop the Stockouts Campaign


Whether you are a patient, friend, or a health care worker and know about medicine stockouts or shortages, let us know.

To report medicine stockouts and shortages at any private or government facility:



Report to SADAG: Life Esidimeni


We are concerned that all citizens in need of quality mental health care get it. Tell us what you are worried about; a doctor, facility, access, the state of your loved one.

Just fill in the form below or SMS 43304 us and we will get back to you.


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