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Suicide Crisis Helpline
0800 567 567

Department of Social Development Substance Abuse Helpline
0800 12 13 14
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0800 456 789
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0800 515 515
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0800 21 21 21
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0800 006 333


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0800 21 22 23

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0800 70 80 90

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0800 55 44 33

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0800 20 50 26


011 234 4837


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076 882 2775

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087 163 2030

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087 163 2025

Have Hope Chat Line
087 163 2050


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World Bipolar Day #BipolarTogether (28 March 2022)


Every year, the 30th March marks World Bipolar Day. Bipolar Disorder affects a person’s mood, which can swing from one extreme to the other where someone who has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder experiencing episodes of Depression or mania/extreme and erratic behavior. 46 Million people worldwide are living with Bipolar Disorder. People living with Bipolar Disorder cope with significant daily disruptions as it can impact on a person’s ability to function, especially with family, relationships and work if left untreated. Fortunately, there are several Medications, Psychotherapy, Support Groups, self-help tips and information available to help you manage everyday.

Johannesburg Psychiatrist, Dr Kim Laxton says “Manic Depression has been used as a clinical description of Bipolar and Related Disorders that includes both “poles” of the mood spectrum. These “poles” are Depression (low mood, fatigue, sleep changes, ruminate negative thoughts, commonly involving suicidal ideation, appetite and weight changes, low motivation and/or memory and concentration difficulties) and mania (significantly increased energy and goal-directed behavior, an elevated, irritable, increased thought speed, a decreased need for sleep with or without psychotic symptoms).“

Whether you’re living with Bipolar Disorder, supporting a loved one with Bipolar, or just supporting Mental Health, we’re all in this together. Join us to celebrate this year’s World Bipolar Day theme, #BipolarTogether, on March 30th!

This World Bipolar Day, we are encouraged internationally to connect and remind others that they are not alone in what they’re going through. By sharing your story online with the hashtags, #BipolarTogether and #WorldBipolarDay, we can unite together to educate, empathize, and empower others too. Don’t forget to tag us! Instagram sadag_official, Facebook @TheSADAG and Twitter @TheSADAG.

“Being diagnosed with a disorder is not the end of the world, which I know at the time it feels like it is. It is the beginning of a new chapter in your life story. I say all of this because I have been down that road and have experienced it first hand. There are still days where I don’t have the energy or drive for things but it’s just an off day or period, which we’re allowed to have. I’ve learnt how to deal with these days and realized that they will pass,” says Damain Govender, who lives with Bipolar Disorder for the last several years.

Take a moment to add these films or series to your “must-watch” list featuring characters who live with bipolar. Check out these shows that keep pushing the conversation forward – Click Here.

To learn more about Bipolar Disorder, its symptoms, treatments available, possible relapse triggers, as well as self-help strategies, SADAG is hosting a LIVE #FacebookFriday online chat at 1PM on 1 April 2022. Join the expert Q&A at 1pm with Psychiatrist Dr Leverne Mountany via our Facebook page – The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (@TheSADAG)

SADAG have Bipolar Support Groups for those living with Bipolar Disorder as well as Support Groups for family members who support Loved one's with a Mental Illness, please visit our website for upcoming meetings by clicking here. "In a Support Group one is able to realise that they are not alone. Members feel understood as others are experiencing similar situations to them," says SADAG Support Group Leader Lindiwe Nkolombe.

For more information or to speak to a counsellor for free telephonic counselling, call SADAG on 0800 456 789 or 0800 12 13 14. You can also visit www.sadag.org for information on Bipolar Disorder for coping skills and self-help tips for patients and loved ones.

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