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Suicide Crisis Helpline
0800 567 567

Department of Social Development Substance Abuse Helpline
0800 12 13 14
SMS 32312

Cipla Mental Health Helpline
0800 456 789
SMS 31393

NPOwer SA Helpline
0800 515 515
SMS 43010

Healthcare Workers Care Network Helpline
0800 21 21 21
SMS 43001

UFS #Fair Kitchens Chefs Helpline
0800 006 333


Dr Reddy’s Mental Health Helpline
0800 21 22 23

Adcock Ingram Depression & Anxiety Helpline
0800 70 80 90

ADHD Helpline
0800 55 44 33

Pharma Dynamics Police & Trauma Helpline
0800 20 50 26


011 234 4837


8AM – 5PM

Cipla Mental Health
076 882 2775

Maybelline BraveTogether
087 163 2030

Ke Moja Substance Abuse
087 163 2025

Have Hope Chat Line
087 163 2050


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SADAG 30 year book  

SADAG Making Mental Health Matter for 30 Years:

For three decades, the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) has been a beacon of hope for millions facing Mental Health challenges. From humble beginnings as a small Support Group in Johannesburg, SADAG has grown into Africa’s leading Mental Health advocacy organisation, helping those suffering from Anxiety, Depression, and many other Mental Health Disorders.

This powerful book highlights the organisation’s incredible journey and the dedicated people who made it possible.

Discover how one organisation has made mental health a priority in South Africa—and beyond. Through personal stories, expert insights, and uplifting community outreach experiences, ‘SADAG: Making Mental Health Matter For 30 Years’ highlights SADAG’s tireless work to break stigma, create accessible care, and give a voice to the voiceless. With thousands of individuals assisted annually, 200+ support groups, and programmes reaching thousands of youth, this book celebrates the progress made and the work still to be done.

Whether you are passionate about Mental Health advocacy, looking for inspiration, or want to understand the impact of community-driven change, this book is a testament to the power of compassion and perseverance. SADAG’s story may motivate you and leave you hopeful for a better future.


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Jacana Life Esidimeni Book

In late 2015 and 2016, South Africa witnessed a horrific human rights tragedy. 144 people entrusted to the public health system died from neglect, starvation and torture. This book delves into this heartbreaking event, the Life Esidimeni tragedy, offering a powerful narrative built on the stories of those most affected.
But this book is not merely a chronicle of loss; it is a celebration of resilience and courage.

It shines a light on the tireless efforts of organisations like SECTION27, SADAG, and the Life Esidimeni Family Committee. These unsung heroes fought relentlessly for truth, justice and accountability, holding those in power responsible for their actions. It is also a stark reminder of how horribly wrong things can get with an arrogant, callous and unaccountable political leadership.

The fight for true justice continues. The book explores the ongoing struggle for better mental healthcare in South Africa and the urgent need to ensure such a tragedy never happens again. This is a call to action, urging readers to engage with the ongoing fight for mental health reform.



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Surfacing 3D 

Surfacing’ brings to life these stories, told by those who have lived these journeys. From a top businessman who attempted to take his life three times in one day to a former Springbok rugby player who could see no way forward and a new mother whose post-natal depression saw her dream of motherhood become a nightmare and more…

The book also includes the difficult journey of transgender as well as how bullying can impact a person’s life and a young man whose suicide attempt may have left him a paraplegic but whose life now couldn’t be fuller.
Above all it shows how these remarkable people learnt to overcome their personal mountains and go on to lead healthy, fulfilled lives – more than they’d ever hoped for. At the end of each chapter there’s also practical tips on how to manage these illnesses.


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Big Bully 

Author Marion Scher's latest book "Big Bully: An Epidemic of Unkindness", based on interviews in schools, workplaces and homes, tells the story of an epidemic of unkindness, uncovering the stories of bullies all around us. The online environment has given bullies a much wider range of tools to use to abuse their targets. Marion Scher tracks the links between bullying and Mental Health issues.

As Marion says: ‘I had to brace myself to hear the often heartbreaking and vicious stories from those who encountered torturous relationships. The big question I kept asking myself was, “How could you get involved with such a person?” But just who is that kind of person, and is it even possible to spot them?’

She calls on the advice of a range of experts to help make sense of the bullies and their victims, to help manage the bully boss, the bully in school and the bully in a relationship.

The book has stories, statistics, and advice and helps the reader to understand how bullies work.

Bullies are everywhere. You don’t just find bullies on the playground - they’re in the workplace, in relationships and in schools where they wreak havoc with the Mental Health of their victims. South Africa has a high rate of bullying in many environments, and most victims of bullying don’t ask for help or are too ashamed to speak up. The rise of cyberbullying has given bullies a much wider range of tools to use to abuse their targets.

It’s time for victims to call bullies to account and for schools, workplaces and society as a whole to put a stop to the tormentors.

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